As I mentioned a little while back, I've been eager to try my hand(s) at embroidery. Well I did - I tried (am trying?) and I kind of love it!

I signed up for Carina's Mini Embellishment Club and every Monday 2 lovely little designs land in my inbox, ready to be stitched. The small size keeps things interesting and feels manageable on an evening - perfect TV crafting.

Ever thought of trying embroidery? Unlike some crafts, it's a pretty low commitment investment-wise. A hoop, embroidery floss in pretty colours, a needle, a pair of scissors and something to transfer your design onto the fabric.

There are, of course, fancy products and floss winders and pretty embroidery scissors and all sorts of wonderful things to help optimize your craft experience.
But I don't think the bells and whistles are necessary at the beginning.
Sometimes you need to just start.

Even if that means your embroidery floss lives in pretty little jumbled piles that might make others feel a little twitchy.

I love Carina's designs - they feel modern but classic at the same time. I'm not quite sure what to do with my newfound embroidery love. For now, I'm stitching all the weekly designs onto one piece of fabric with no real vision of what next? because they look so pretty side by side. A little unplanned sampler!
Find more info on the Mini Embellishment Club here.
Have you tried embroidery? Are there any arts or crafts you're itching to try?