Pretty paper butterflies wing to wing in a circle. They would be ever-so-lovely in a rainbow of colours. To be honest, these butterflies look a little bit moth-y to me- I think it's their chunky heads! For a more delicate version, try this one.
In the background, you can sneak a peek at how this template looks if you cut out the centre of the butterfly shape as well - a lacier, less literal version of the shape. It's always nice to play with each design and see how it differs when you change a variable - a different number of points, smaller paper, adjusting the angle of a cut. The possibilities within each design are endless!
To create your own kirigami butterflies design, use the template below and the 5-Point Folding Pattern.
Love the butterflies? Don't forget to try this version as well! Or how about origami butterflies?
Happy crafting!
The Kirigami Project is a collaborative creative project from Marisa Edghill of Omiyage and Geri Jewitt of The Languid Lion. Marisa creates the kirigami designs and Geri whips them into template shape! Each week in 2014, we will bring you a new kirigami design to fold and cut.