We're delighted to have gift wrapping expert Corinna vanGerwen visiting today with a fantastic DIY idea using our new drawstring bags.
While these little drawstring bags are cute as is, they’re also the perfect blank canvas for fun DIY projects. Here I used craft paint and adhesive letters (found at an office supply store) to stencil a light-hearted message onto the bags. This is a great way to make unique party favours or personalize a gift.
First, cut a piece of cardboard to fit snugly inside the bag. This will give you a smooth surface for attaching the stickers, and will keep the paint from bleeding through to the second side. You may want to tape plastic wrap or wax paper around the cardboard; I didn’t and found that the fabric stuck to the cardboard a bit after painting.

Next, attach stick-on letters in your choice of message, or try the recipient’s initials. To get the letters straight and evenly spaced, use a ruler and pencil to measure and create guides. Firmly press down to make sure the letters are securely attached.

When ready, squeeze a line of paint along the bottom edge of the bag, then use a brush to spread the paint upward toward the top of the bag, creating a fading, feathered edge. Brush in only one direction. Add paint as needed, and be sure to fill in all the corners around the letters.

Let dry, then remove letters and cardboard. Your bag is ready to fill!
Gift wrapping consultant Corinna vanGerwen provides gift wrapping services, training and workshops in Toronto. For more of Corinna's gift wrapping ideas, visit her over on the Corinna Wraps blog, sign up for her monthly Gift Wrapping Newsletter, connect via Twitter or get inspired via Pinterest.