Some of my favourites from May. You can see all of May's doodles here or follow along daily on Instagram.
May was full of flowers, faces and watercolour accents. Plus a bit of a foray into collage.
Mandalas were a go-to in May - a bit of prep for a big project I'll start working on this month.
Loved playing with watercolour... but literally waiting for paint to dry is not my forte.
I added a bunch of new markers to my collection. And discovered that the more markers you have, the more markers you want!
Passed the 150 doodle mark last night - which was a fun milestone.
Thoughts on May?
While the first two-thirds of the month was full of fun, I'm feeling a bit worn out by this project at the moment and let myself get behind which meant scrambling last night and this morning to finish up the final 4 pages - to mixed results. Not sure whether I'm not loving it because the results aren't meeting my expectations or whether the work is suffering because it feels like another obligation. I am committed to sharing the final pages on Instagram because it keeps me on track but keeping track of likes can be just as much of a downer as it is a boost - not many likes on a piece I love or a great response to a piece I'm not sure of both leave me full of self-doubt. But drawing for others was never supposed to be the point. I guess that's the difficulty of making a personal project a public one! Not quitting though - I'm sure I'll fall back in love with it again... some spark will ignite and it'll be the best hour of my day again... but for the moment it's feeling a bit chore-y.
I might set some guidelines for June - all patterns (my favourite) or drawing from actual reference (vs images in my head) to see if that makes the month feel more like a progression. I have a few more hours to figure it out!
How's your 2015 creative project coming along?